Consortium Coordinator



framework of 36 months’ project “Grow Economy: Promote sustainable, inclusive and decent economic opportunities for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in the agriculture sector”, ACTED aims to build upon the economic empowerment of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in the agricultural sector by supporting climate-adaptive approaches, diversifying income generation, and improving the productivity of agricultural labourers and small farmers. To strengthen local capacities further, ACTED aims to improve employability through tailored training sessions and referral mechanisms. By doing so, ACTED hopes to create improved working conditions and labour rights through advocacy and technical support.


The “Grow Economy: Promote sustainable, inclusive and decent economic opportunities for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in the agriculture sector” project brings together a consortium composed of ACTED and other active NOGs, the private sector, and local authority, the consortium is led by ACTED.


In close cooperation with consortium partners, the Consortium Coordinator ensures that the consortium’s project implementation according to the approved proposal and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the donor. The Consortium Coordinator facilitates close and effective coordination and collaboration between consortium partners, ensures high quality documentation of the project activities and ensures that project results are achieved. 


1.  To represent and position the consortium towards external stakeholders ensuring the mission, vision and interests of the consortium and its members are protected;

2. To facilitate coordination and communication among consortium partners and ensure the consortium partnership operates in an effective manner;

To ensure the project is implemented in a timely and professional manner, according to objectives, goals and indicators, in line with donor requirements and based on beneficiary needs.



1. Representation

a)     Protect and promote the vision, mission and interests of consortium partners towards external stakeholders;

b)    Represent the consortium toward the donor(s) and government authorities and therefore communicate with the donor(s) and government authorities;

c)     Where relevant, expand the donor portfolio of the consortium by tracking funding opportunities

d)    Attend government, UN, NGO and donor meetings and present ongoing consortium activities; 

f)      Ensure the visibility of the consortium amongst humanitarian, donor and government actors, including coordination with other actors (UN, NGOs) working in similar sector;

g)     f) Oversee and ensure continuity of consortium communication activities, including media engagement, success story coverage, and updating project-specific and regional fact sheets.

h)    mLead the drafting and dissemination of position papers, statements, reports and releases on the consortium’s engagements and humanitarian advocacy.


2.    Internal Coordination

a)     Effectively manage partnerships within the consortium to ensure smooth collaboration;

b)    Ensure regular and open/transparent communication between consortium partners;

c)     Regularly communicate with consortium Country Directors on project activities; 

a)     Convene and chair regular (e.g. monthly, quarterly) consortium steering committee meetings to discuss programme and financial issues, disseminate minutes and follow up on action points;

b)    Carry out regular catch ups with consortium partners program and finance focal points.

c)     Support the development and maintenance of a coherent consortium strategy across all partners;

d)    Promote harmonization of approaches and methodologies across all consortium partners by developing and monitoring use of common tools, and facilitating experience sharing and learning opportunities;

e)    Coordinate the development of all technical tools related to the consortium’s project (activities ToRs, assessments,  ad hoc reports, capitalization reports…);

2.    Project Cycle Management

2.1. Project Planning

a)     Define project implementation modalities and methodologies with consortium partners;

b)    Organize project kick-off, review, and close-out meetings;

c)     Together with the Project Managers of consortium partners, plan the various stages of project implementation and set direction by prioritizing and organizing activities and resources to achieve project objectives.

2.2. Project Implementation Follow-up

a)     Oversee and monitor the work of consortium and local implementing partners, ensuring that technical quality and standards are considered and respected during project implementation;

b)    Support the Project Managers of each partner to implement all aspects of the project;

c)     Regularly review  work plans, identify and address any delays in a timely and effective manner;

Monitor output achievement, forecasts cash burn rates and ensure a timely project completion .

2.1. Project Quality Control

a)     Conduct periodic field visits to validate progress reports, identify problems and issues to address during Consortium Management Team meetings and make recommendations for improvement;

b)    Ensure the project progress is effectively monitored through regular data collection, analysis of indicators and activities and documented with proper sources of verification;

c)     Advise consortium Project Managers to adapt implementation of the project according to monitoring and evaluation findings;

d)    Advise on and assist with project reviews conducted by internal and external monitoring and evaluation team;

e)    Coordinate and put in place a program capitalization system in collaboration with each focal point from each consortium partner.

f)      Review the MEAL framework to ensure it is aligned with project objectives, monitoring tools, and donor requirements, making adjustments as necessary to improve data collection and reporting processes.

Grant Management and other operational ad-hoc support

a)     Ensure that contractual obligations are met in terms of project deliverables and activities are implemented according to donor and partnership agreement;

b)    Ensure proper filing and documentation of all consortium program-related reports, mainting an organized and accessible system.

c)     Ensure that donor rules and procedures are understood and respected by all parties, providing  training or sharing information as needed on consortium management systems and processes;

Develop and coordinate reporting schedule agreed upon by all consortium members.

a)     Ensure external reporting by consortium members meets donor and Acted requirements and adheres to agreed deadlines;

b)    Collect and consolidate narrative reports from consortium members for donor and local authorities reporting;

c)     Prepare documentation for project modifications, including budget and logframe revisions, amendments or extensions,  in close consultation with consortium partners;

a)     Together with the Country Finance Manager, manage and negotiate any budget changes in accordance with donor and Acted HQ criteria.

b)    Provide guidance to partners on AFD procurement rules and ensure submission of required documents for donor review and approval.

c)     Ensure follow-up with the finance and logistics departments teams to submit relevant project procurement documentation for submission to the donor.

d)    Coordinate with consortium partners to ensure compliance with audit requirements, submitting necessary documents in a timely manner.



·       Bachelor’s degree in, agriculture, business management, or any related 

·       Proven experience as a Consortium Coordinator (CC) or Project Coordinator (PC) for project with multiple, international and national partners, within the humanitarian and community development sectors. 

·       Minimum 6 years of experience in working in the humanitarian and development sector. 

·       Evidence of implementation of projects of similar nature and scope in Jordan or in the region, proved by at least 2 projects. (mandatory). 

·       Proven experience of successfully managing an AFD (French Development Agency) project (highly desirable).

·       Excellent written and oral communication skills in both Arabic and English language.  

·       Work under pressure against strict deadlines .

·       Excellent organizational and prioritization skills (essential).

Good Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel. Word, and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Post date: Today
Publisher: Bayt
Post date: Today
Publisher: Bayt