HR Operations Associate

Morocco - Kenitra Morocco


Support on monthly payroll check

• Prepare the file for monthly payroll call and the file for variance analysis
• Download and store in our shared drive the monthly payroll / accounting statements from Payroll system
and from Sharebox of Payroll provider
• Support on the preparation and the check for the monthly lunch voucher calculation

Support on monthly operational reporting and related data quality checks

• Prepare the monthly headcount and demographic reporting for various AXA IM teams
• Support on the preparation of Ad hoc reporting
• Coordinate with HR Officers on the cost center monthly check (YES vs Payroll)
• Coordinate the YES Data quality controls with HR Officers: ensure that worker number is registered in HR
System (YES Core), ensure the FTE / Salary is coherent between YES and Payroll

Support/coordination on the HR Operations BAU activities

• Prepare the HR Operations BAU bimonthly dashboard and organize HR Ops Governance meeting, as well as
drive execution of filling the gaps
• Support Compliance, Completeness of Employee Files:
 - provide checks aiming to ensure completeness of employee files and correct folder structure
(evidence and files needed versus monthly starters list)
-  For new joiners, at the end of each month control that all expected evidence (for audit purposes)
are well recorded in the employee files and launch reminder to the team if not done
-  For leavers, control that evidence of exit procedure and exit form completed, stored in the
electronic employee file. Once evidence registered, move the individual file to the “leavers” folder
- Biannual check against GDPR rules in mailbox and in folders
• Support execution of other campaigns, such as holiday carry over campaign etc

Votre Profil

• Bachelor’s Degree in HR, Business Administration, or related field
• Interest in HR topics, experience in reporting
• Proficiency in MS Office, especially Excel (mainly on Vlookup, Xlookup, pivot table)
• Attention to detail and an ability to identify errors in excel files
• Ability to speak and write business level of English, and understanding of written French
• Ability to respect deadline
• Agile thinking and ability to “connect the dots” autonomously
• Ability to work with teams in different locations
• Ability to handle confidential information with discretion and professionalism

A propos de notre entité

Présente au Maroc depuis 2009, AXA Group Opérations Maroc est une entité d’offshoring. Avec ses 300 collaborateurs et ses différents centres d’expertise opérant dans les domaines de l’informatique, de la Gestion de projet, de la Finance et des Ressources Humaines, AXA GO Maroc soutient Group Operations dans la réalisation de sa mission.

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

Nous célébrons l'expertise, la diversité culturelle et la créativité de plus de 8 000 employés de par le monde.  Nous nous engageons à assurer l'égalité des chances en matière d'emploi (parité hommes-femmes, communauté LGBT+, personnes handicapées ou personnes d'origines diverses) et à promouvoir la diversité et l'inclusion en créant un environnement de travail où tous les employés sont traités avec dignité et respect, et où les différences individuelles sont valorisées.

Post date: 17 May 2024
Publisher: Bayt
Post date: 17 May 2024
Publisher: Bayt