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RefinedJordan Servies *Company Formation in Jordan Establishing your business or expanding it at a new location can be surprisingly complex in some cases depending on your business objectives and structure. RefinedJordan provides you with local guidance, based on our detailed knowledge of local laws, for the success of the venture. Through our dedicated services, we will: 1-Fast track your formation process. 2-Help you stay in compliance with local law 3-Keep you informed of any law changes 4-Serve as your single point of contact for company formation and maintenance To know more: *Recruiting and HR Management Services Recruitment: Our efforts go for making sure that the candidates are provided with a seamless experience, and the stakeholders are provided with an efficient, cost-effective employee acquisition system. HR Management: RefinedJordan provides its clients with a complete HR support, through the full cycle of employment, while complying with the local employment laws, and adapting to changes to it. Through our HR management service, you will be able to compete for top talent in the Middle East and retain your employees for the long term. To know more: *More Refined Services These services cover the following: 1- Financial management & ACCT 2- Hosting in shared offices 3- Marketing and social media 4- R&D Outsourcing Services 5- Assembly and manufacturing in Jordan To get more details about each of these services, visit us at *Refined Packages Tell us your plans and we will offer you one of our holistic packages: 1- Market Entry 2- Registered in Jordan 3- R&D Outsourcing (Start-ups) To get more details about each of these packages, visit us at