201-500 Employees 24,

About Company is a start-up within the Social and Solidarity Economy that is fast-growing and resolutely committed to an inclusive and solidarity-based digital economy. Founded in 2013, is a social utility company (“ESUS”) that is currently the largest and most inclusive actor within the French government-approved “Grand École du Numérique” network, and proudly holds the labels of “French Tech” and “La France S’Engage.” Our core activities include:

  • Recruiting under-represented individuals within the tech sector (job seekers, individuals without degrees, individuals coming from priority neighborhoods or rural areas, employees undergoing professional reconversion, and refugees) with an objective of achieving gender parity within our training programmes

  • Training these under-represented individuals in Web/Mobile/Software Development as well as for positions in the tech sector that are difficult to recruit for (Data, Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Network and Systems Administration, Cyber Security, etc.).

  • Supporting trainees in finding a job or in creating their own business

  • Developing training courses for companies, most notably to reskill or upskill their employees

Our training courses in France are intensive and free of charge for trainees. To date, has trained over 6,000 people, including 25% at the international level. Today, is present in nearly 100 locations within France and abroad, and we’re not done growing yet!

At the international level, is present:

  • In the Middle East (currently in Jordan and Lebanon, with future developments in Egypt and Turkey)

  • Outside of the Middle East in 19 different countries, with projects in Europe, the Maghreb, Africa, and India that are more often than not backed by major clients (companies, governments, development agencies, etc.)